Well, the nice weather has finally arrived. Consistently sunny days and warm temperatures tell us that Summer is finally on its way. And, of course, with Summer comes vacation time. Fortunate are those who can pack up the car, load up the trailer, or hop on an airplane and get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life to enjoy some down-time at a favorite leisure destination. But not everyone will be taking a vacation this year. Those who reside in the nursing homes of America will remain where they've been the previous months of the year, looking out the window, watching the world go by. Oh, some will be able to sit outside in the courtyard of the nursing home; some might even enjoy a jaunt around the property by a caring worker or volunteer. But leave the home and get away from it all? No. I could relate many stories told to us by residents who have family members who live close enough to regularly visit their loved (?) one, but hardly ever do. I have been told by those 'in the know' that it is not uncommon for years to pass without anyone taking an interest in visiting some residents. What if YOU were on the other end of this story? What if YOUR life was consigned to a small room, with few of your prized lifetime possessions? What if the only faces YOU saw from day to day were the other residents? What if the only conversations YOU engaged in where about medications, doctors visits, and bed changes? What if no one ever came to visit YOU?
It isn't necessary to have a full-time nursing home ministry like ours to make a difference in the life of someone. Just pick out a local home, muster up some courage, and ask someone at the office if there is someone you can visit today. It's easy, and, I might add, extremely rewarding. There is an appreciation level on the part of nursing home residents and staff for those who will take some of their own time to come and be an encouragement to others. Most likely what will happen is that you will want to go back again...and again. Pretty soon, guess what? YOU will have a nursing home ministry!