Monday, March 18, 2024

Back In Action!

First of all, let me apologize for not updating our blog. As many of you know, 2023 was a difficult year for us. I was diagnosed with "advanced, agressive" Stage 4 Prostate Cancer early in the year. This sent our lives into a tailspin! Sicne that time I have numerous doctors appointments, tests, and then radiation treatments at the Hillman Cancer Center in Erie,, PA. In addition, I am on a number of meds and hormone injections. As a result of all of this, we had to curtail most of our nursing home visits in order to keep me from contacting any sickness with my immune system somewhat compromised. 

But all this is changing.  My most recent PSA test number has dropped to 0.45! That means that the treatments and the meds are doing what they're supposed to do. Even though there is no cure for this cancer (it has metastisized into three places in my bones, also), the treatments are designed to provide a better quality of life while we battle this insidious disease. 

In addition, we have resumed our ministry to the nursing homes and God has even opened up a new facility to us, the Niagara Village senior living center in Erie, PA. What a beautiful place! We had our first service there the beginning of March and they are eager to have us back. We even received a nice card from one of the dear ladies who attended our service, expressing her appreciation and her looking forward to our return. The nursing homes are all excited about having us back on schedule, as you can imagine.

We have also begun to minister in an Alzheimer care unit in one of our larger facilities. The Activity Director there was not sure if we would feel comfortable there, but we love being able to see the "windows of remembrance" open in these dear folks' hearts and minds as they begin to sing along with the songs and hymns they have recalled from days gone by.

I would like to extend a hearty "Thank You!" to all our supporting churches and individuals who have been financially and prayerfully faithful to us during this past year. The Lord  has supplied all our needs through His people. We love you all and appreicate your standing with us during this time.

Of course there may come a time when we will no longer be able to continue this ministry, but we are trusting in the Lord to make that a long way off! In the meantime, we will continue to bring the gospel to those "living on the brink of eternity.

Pastor Norm Aabye