Friday, October 12, 2012

God's Hand At Work!

Autumn is almost on its way out. Cold nights, frost on the ground in the morning, and the colors of the leaves at their peak tells us that the season we dread most is on its way. Of course there's nothing we can do about winter (unless someone has a free plane ride to warmer climates, with free accommodations until the snow's gone!), and the work of the  ministry must go on. We have seen some amazing work by the Holy Spirit as He's worked in the hearts of nursing home residents. Recently we had five individuals (4 men and 1 woman) accept Christ during a service at a facility near our home. To make sure they understood the invitation, I reworked from another angle (!) and again asked them if they would like to receive the Lord as their Saviour. All responded affirmatively. Praise the Lord! We were back at that particular home today. It's sometimes a difficult place to minister because the people are not sick, but are either developmentally handicapped in some way, or have some slight diminished mental capacity. Today several were complaining that no one ever comes to visit them. It was sad, but then one of the men told everyone that I had been his friend for several years. It really choked me up a bit. I then told everyone present that we were aware that most of them seldom had visitors but that's why we were there....we were there friends. We thought the service was going to be disappointing because I had inadvertently left the suitcase of songbooks at home. The people were wondering what we were going to do (they don't do well with disappointment). I said, "Let's all just sing the first verse of the songs you know". What a great time we had, with many lifting their voices loudly to the songs they were familiar with. It was a great service.
Earlier this week, the Lord wrought a great victory. After our service at one of the larger nursing homes in the area, one of the workers approached me and said that the Jehovah's Witnesses had been given a place on the calendar twice a month. When they came for their first service they told the people they were going to teach "Christianity". As they began, the "teacher" told everyone that God had created the angels and then created a "very special angel" named Jesus! Workers and residents were in an uproar, to say the least. The activity director's office is right in the corner where the service was held. She had heard the whole thing. She approached the JW leader and told them they were being removed from the monthly calendar immediately. Praise the Lord for discerning staff members with backbone!
We constantly need your prayers. We are on the front line of the battle for the souls of those nearest eternity.
Thank you to all those who make our continuing ministry possible.

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