Monday, March 3, 2014

Of Some Have Compassion


4. a recognition, realization, or coming into awareness of something: a rude awakening to the disagreeable facts.

Something is happening. "Where?", you say. Among the elderly in the nursing homes of Pennsylvania and Ohio. In 2006, my wife and I began our missionary outreach to those confined to nursing homes, to those residing in assisted living facilities, and to those living out their last days in Alzheimer Care Units. It has been an extremely rewarding ministry, as we have seen many come to faith in Jesus Christ as their Saviour. We came to this ministry not without some experience. Having been a church planter/pastor for over eighteen years prior to beginning this new stage of ministry, we had some knowledge of the need to bring the Gospel into the nursing homes. But in 2006, after God had brought us to northwestern Pennsylvania, out eyes were opened to the tremendous and urgent need to reach what we now refer to as "the people group nearest eternity". There is no group of people who are more aware of the fleeting measure of time than those who are living out their days in a nursing home.
Most Bible-preaching churches have a nursing home ministry. But statistically, the facts show that it would require every true church to have at least 14 nursing home ministry just to meet the current need of taking the message of Christ to these dear folks. Few churches can muster the time or the people to carry on such a ministry. We realized that a ministry was needed that would reach into a multitude of nursing homes on a regular basis. Currently, we are involved with 10 nursing homes on a rotating schedule six days a week, bringing Christ-honoring music, biblical preaching and teaching, and personal counseling for residents and staff members. 
We also came to this ministry with mixed expectations. But something is happening lately. There seems to be an "awakening" taking place in the nursing homes in northwestern PA and northeastern OH. Suddenly, many are responsive to the Gospel and are trusting Christ as their Saviour.
The dictionary offers multiple definitions of the word "awakening", but the one that seems to fit here is "a recognition, realization, or coming into awareness of something; a rude awakening to the disagreeable facts". There is no doubt that God is working with increased fervor, bringing people to an awareness of their need for Jesus Christ. The "disagreeable facts", as the definition describes, are the facts that man is a sinner and is separated from God now, and will be for all eternity, unless something is done about his sin. Fortunately, something has been done. God sent His Son into the world 2000 years ago to take the sinners' place on the cross of Calvary, shedding His own blood as the payment for the forgiveness of sins, and then after dying, rose three days later as proof positive of His victory over sin and death and His ability to grant eternal life to all who would put their trust in Him alone for salvation. As of late, the message seems to be falling upon fertile hearts that the Lord has prepared to receive His Word in great measure. 
No human effort can account for what is taking place. I would echo the words of the Apostle Paul as he wrote to the Corinthian believers: "And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power: That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God"  - 1 Cor. 2:4,5. 
I am aware that there are those who might now be saying, "Boy, it seems as if all of a sudden you're boasting about 'numbers'!"  Let me be clear: If and when anything is accomplished in the realm of the Spirit in the hearts of individuals, it is all of God. We would dare not take any credit. Our message has not changed. Our ministry has not changed. It is apparent that God, and God alone, is doing something for His glory in bringing many souls to himself, and for that we are grateful to be vessels that His might use.
I write this especially for pastors who might wonder if the nursing home ministry is worth the effort. Or, for those who wonder if a consistent evangelistic outreach among the elderly and infirmed is a valid missionary outreach worthy of a church's support. Each pastor and each church must answer that question individually. Jude, writing his brief epistle at the end of the New Testament, makes a statement that we have taken as our verse for the ministry the Lord has entrusted to us:  "And of some have compassion, making a difference" - Jude 1:22. Our desire is not only to continue on this ministry, but also to try to recruit others to begin similar multi-nursing home ministries in other areas of the country. The population of the homes is growing at an astounding rate, especially given the fact that the "baby boomers" began reaching the age of 65 just a few years ago. Many will find themselves in need of nursing home care of some kind in the next years, if the Lord tarries. Wouldn't you like to have a vital part in fulfilling the Great Commission in this unique people group? We would love to come and share with your church what is happening through this unique and much needed ministry, and to partner with you in reaching those in your area for Christ.
Serving together, 
Missionary Pastor,
Norm Aabye

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